This text offers a broad overview of phonetics for students with no prior knowledge.A COURSE IN PHONETICS is a comprehensive, straightforward account of the major aspects of the phonetics of English and the major features of the sounds of the world's languages by two of the world's leading phoneticians.Students will appreciate the clear introduction to main concepts of articulatory phonetics, which analyzes speech as a sequence of gestures of tongue, lips, and other vocal organs in combination with airflow.The Sixth Edition features an extensively revised final chapter on linguistic phonetics to help students understand the relationship between phonetics and phonology, the principles of the IPA, and phonetics of the community vs. phonetics of the individual.The CD included with and keyed to the text has over 4,000 recordings of Englishes and other languages, maps of language areas, exercises and tables in the text, and so on. Demonstrations of the phonetic performance exercises are provided, and most exercises can be downloaded and printed. Also includes recordings of British and American English for transcription exercises; speech samples for Southern (U.S.) and Northern (U.S.) cities; and recordings of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, New Zealand, and other forms of English. Extras on the CD include map indexes and recordings of the IPA chart sounds and many other languages.
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